Govern workforce use of GenAI

Ensure GenAI use adheres to corporate policy with our simple to implement GenAI governance control plane.

Remove complexity, gain visibility, and securely increase GenAI adoption - with SurePath AI.
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How it works

The GenAI controls that businesses require.

Shadow AI is the #1 concern amongst IT & cybersecurity leaders.1

78% of employees are bringing their own AI tools to work.2

But blocking access only encourages Shadow AI use. Allowing access leaves your business open to risk.

Govern GenAI with SurePath AI.  

Control access to public and private models
Mitigate risk of data leakage to public models
Ensure use aligns to approved tasks by role and function
Enhance requests with critical business context data

Intercept & Inspect GenAI Traffic

Detect GenAI use at a network level. Control access and inspect requests for sensitive data leaks.

Transparent Redaction

Redact sensitive data found in requests to public models. In-line modification of requests enables productivity while mitigating risk, discouraging Shadow AI.

Private Model Access Controls & Routing

Redirect traffic to your private GenAI models. Leverage SurePath AI's private model access controls as your own internally branded Enterprise GenAI portal.

Securely Enrich & Enhance Requests

Policy based controls enrich requests with only the enterprise data users are granted access to, giving meaningful responses based on relevant business context. Users' prompts are automatically enhanced to align output to enterprise objectives, and remove the need for prompt engineering expertise.